透析 - 正片

類型:劇情片 地區:中國  年份:2009 


description 劇情簡介

劉傑導演官方小站(歡迎關註):http://site.douban.com/107593/故事發生在一九九七年,中國的一個北方小城。邱武因為偷竊兩輛汽車被一審判處死刑,這個案件的主審法官,田法官的女兒剛剛在一起車禍中喪生,而肇事車輛是一輛被盜的汽車。邱武試圖通過捐獻自己的一個腎臟來獲得從輕判處的機會,而富商李總的絕症也將因為這個腎臟而得以治愈。但是,李總最終發現,唯一讓他能夠順利得到腎臟的方式其實是在邱武被執行死刑之後。刑場上,田法官面臨一個艱難的抉擇……SYNOPSISThis story happened in 1997 in a small city in northern China.A criminal named Qiuwu was sentenced to death for stealing two cars. The lead Judge on this case, Judge Tian, had just lost his daughter in a tragic traffic accident – she was killed by a stolen car.Qiuwu tries to lighten his sentence by offering to donate one of his kidneys–creating a chance for a rich businessman named Lee to survive a terminal illness.Lee discovers that the only way to secure the kidney is after Qiuwu’s execution.On the execution ground, a hard decision awaits Judge Tian..

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